The Lavish Life Of Beyonce's Kid Divas (Blue Ivy, Rumi, Sir)

They are self-made billionaires who entertain the whole world! The couple has a total value of over a billion dollars and earns as we speak.
Right now, they just earned more money. Can you believe it But are you surprised to learn that your children, Blue Ivy, Rumi and Sir live such a luxurious life as to be all very jealous? Yes, these children made it.
They are probably ready for the rest of their lives, literally, thanks to their working parents. Exclusive schools, of course. Luxury nurseries? Obviously! But it goes much further. They live in MANY, MANY houses owned by Beyonce and Jay-Z all over the country, they make luxury vacations and don't move a finger. Always!

Don't even let us start with the amount of Gucci these little humans use.
The Lavish Life Of Beyonce's Kid Divas (Blue Ivy, Rumi, Sir) The Lavish Life Of Beyonce's Kid Divas (Blue Ivy, Rumi, Sir) Reviewed by How to Start an eBusiness on September 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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